1:34 PM

Yoshimoto Cube

Posted by Student/Teacher |

it caught my attention at first because the name reminds me of Yoshimitsu

2:11 PM

Malcolm Gladwell & Spaghetti Sauce

Posted by Student/Teacher |

I finished Blink a few months ago. I recommend. I'm currently finishing The Tipping Point. I recommend.

2:55 PM

Working Message

Posted by Student/Teacher |

2:39 PM

In Their Voices

Posted by Student/Teacher |

I am moved.

2:25 PM

Stories in the hem

Posted by Student/Teacher |

I'm not sure if I've ever said this but, I'm not really into fashion. It's cool but it changes depending on someone or some people's whimsy it seems. What's fashionable changes. Design though, good design does not change. It is fundamental to all creation.

Martin the Tailor from Ed David on Vimeo.

1:29 PM

From Reels to Reemed

Posted by Student/Teacher |

The message you are about to hear to does not represent to the views or beliefs of this blog. That being said, "HAAAaaahahahhaaaahahaaa".......wow

Vlogga Like Puff from jeff on Vimeo.

1:19 PM

Freudian Slippers

Posted by Student/Teacher |

11:44 AM

The Notebook: On Assignment

Posted by Student/Teacher |

So I've been sitting on this assignment for months and months now. Having heard all anyone would want to hear about a given film without watching it, I've decided to subject it to the scrutiny of one none to enamored with the expected motif. Hey, I like love stories too. Honestly, though, the only people I'd heard sing its praises were women and girls and yes to be judgmental, I don't think that's a particularly hard demographic to win over with a love story. Hollywood studios stake +20% of their annual profits on this genre/group alone. So I tongue-in-cheeked it whenever the topic would come up, occasionally throwing a doubtful horseshoe into the mix.  Well, I saw it and guess what.

 I watched it on TV yesterday. It’s come on a few times and I’d begun to watch it a few days ago only to write it off very early to watch House or Cosby. They seemed suitable substitutes plus I’d caught it midway. Upon reflecting on the tetchy turn that my like life just took, a nice love story didn’t seem so bad. No matter how inflated the expectation.  

 (By the way, I just took some chicken breast out that I’d cooked only to realize that I’d never seasoned it. Ugh. The cure, hot sauce. The Pinch hitter)

 I watched the move and I knew I felt sorry for Ali first. “Trash”, did she say. Wow! Then I felt sorry for Noah. A funny not here: senior year in high school, I got a letter from Sarah Lawrence College and really thought about going for day or two. Upon visiting the campus map for a fit of “what if” I noticed they have a Sunnybrook Park. Wow now brown cow. Okay back to il film. My despair for him rounded about 75% of the movie. Indeed, she was gorgeous and you could tell in the way he looked at her that it was both great and terrible to have her there when she came back. And then, that elephant in the room for men. What’s best for her, comfort or love. (I’ve gotta write about this sometime in the future.) Sure, the romantic and easy answer is love. She had sex with him didn’t she. Then, what did she say the next day, “I don’t know”.   WOW! Poor Noah, the daydreamer. Poor fiancĂ© too. Both subject to whatever her decision was. I really think that’s why many women love this movie so much. She got to have it her way. She got to choose. The pride in me finds great distaste in letting her choose under those conditions. It says, “I’d take her even though she kinda loves/likes this other guy too. Give her a minute, she’s gotta think on which one of us she thinks would be the best for her so she can make the right choice.”Ahhhh. No! In my admittedly limited experience with love, I’d wager that you cannot honestly love two people at once. That seems the antithesis of feeling that there is someone special in your life. There can’t be sometwo special.

 She picks Noah and the rest of their life comes back in the pictures and the notebook. The movie was great. Those 5 minutes he got her back were well worth however long it took. Who, if given the opportunity wouldn’t endure the same. He was crazy about her. And I felt for the guy. The movie was great. It didn’t break any new ground in the love story motif as much as restore the classic core. Traditional distracters and the love-over-time model really made it hit. The actors made it authentic. He looked like he meant it. She talked like she meant it. I believe them. That’s the magic of the movie. Despite the commercials, I bought it. It made me grimace. It made me smile. It made me wonder. It made me frown. It made me want.   

2:50 AM

Daydreamer am i

Posted by Student/Teacher |

While i may find myself liking music, it is the rare song that so compells admiration as this song. 19 is fierce! It reminds me of poetry with musical accompaniment. 

Daydreamer am i

12:07 PM

Merry Christmas

Posted by Student/Teacher |

A Gift


7:27 PM

I started to

Posted by Student/Teacher |

post it. But I just couldn't do it. I don't want to be involved with spreading something so........

Funny or not funny
I couldn't do it.

6:53 PM

This Happens

Posted by Student/Teacher |

5:47 PM

The Caliber Guide

Posted by Student/Teacher |

I remember when a friend of mine introduced me to this volume. I was wowed. I'd never seen such a comprehensive guide to men's style. Not only were there great products, but there were great stories. There were people. There was philosophy. There was what. There was how. There was why. Inspiration and appreciation flowed. I immediately began a verbal campaign to acquire the book from him. At denial number x, I decided to seek my own copy. I would not find it till the second edition had hit the shelves. When i saw it, I bought it immediately. Since having passed it on, I was joyed at the sight of the third volume just recently. More products, more designs, more stories, more traditions, more philosophies. 

Simply put, I like nice things. Not because someone decided to charge some exorbitant amount of money for them, but because someone spent an exorbitant amount of time and energy to craft it. We all buy things. Someone (or something nowadays) had to make it. What did they consider while making it? What makes their version special? Their story, their effort, their philosophy on it. While many of the products in this volume I cannot afford as a student at present, I am ever confident that the knowledge endowed by learning the heritage and character of the products makes me a connoisseur nonetheless. One day, I will have my Piaget Altiplano watch. One day, I will invest in a few finely tailored shirts. Soon, I will acquire a well made weekend bag. Not just because I think it will add some extra measure of worth to my life; that's not it at all. I want it because I know it is the best at what it does. 

Be the best the best at what you're made for. Know your story. Know your philosophy. Know your heritage. Know your character. And, continue to build a you of the greatest quality and caliber. 

5:37 PM

Functional Beauty

Posted by Student/Teacher |

Origami In the Pursuit of Perfection from MABONA ORIGAMI on Vimeo.

As a budding designer, my first passion was footwear. I loved the lines, the utility. As an athlete, there were so many important considerations beyond aesthetics it seemed. While creating the most functional design, there lay the dual mission of creating a beautiful shoe. Much like architecture, the challenge is to create not only function but also beauty. Function is beautiful and beauty is functional. Balance

1:53 AM

another iDea

Posted by Student/Teacher |

So i had an iDea.
...and tried to recreate it as best as i could. 

I am ever grateful for whatever inspiration comes my way. This is the iDea. Take it as an, "if I could engineer my own take on another apple phone, it'd look like this." kinda thing. Forgive me as this is a very rough photoshop job. I'm a bit tired at this point and feel pleased enough with the raw results to retire for the night. It need not look too finished less someone confuse for an actual. 
As an iPhone owner, I have come to sincerely appreciate the device. On many occasions I've shared these words with those inquiring of life with an iPhone. "How is it?" In a word, 'Phenomenal'. In a phrase, 'It stands as the most useful device that you'll never need.' I could spend a post singing its praises but instead, I'll share my idea for another iteration thereof.  

what makes this one different?
Take everything you know and love about the iPhone 3G and add this

 + Smaller and lighter form factor (feels even lighter in your hand, pocket, or arm band)
 + 800x600 touch display (HD ready baby)
 + Physical keypad (You now have the option of using the physical keys to dial and type) 
 + 5MP front facing camera with flash (improved camera with video and iChat capability)
 + MMS (send and receive picture and video messages)
& Nike+ (Go anywhere with your maps, your music, and your phone)

witness the power of an idea.

10:03 PM

for Archives' Sake

Posted by Student/Teacher |


Often, I criticize artists for re-leasing old albums guised with new titles. The “winning formula” model doesn’t demand a lot of one’s scrotum. What happens though when a Kanye West drops a “Graduation”? Both “The College Dropout” and “Late Registration” have had time to rise and settle leaving stans with eager pallets. So, what does the musical Remy serve next; Ratatouille, of course. At first glance one might think, “Ratatouille? You serve Ratatouille after Peekytoe Crab Ravioli and Lobster Osso Buczco?” Yes. Why? Because you’ve already had Peekytoe Crab Ravioli and Lobster Osso Buczco. It takes you back like senior week on the eve. Yeah, you are graduating! Sometimes you don’t feel the full impact until a few days, weeks, months, years afterward. Whether you realized it while you walked that stage and shook that hand or on way down the on-ramp as you mesh into concurrent traffic in 8:30 sunshine, you’ve graduated. Good Morning. The last two seasons were beautiful. We went from questioning everything to re-evaluating everything. It was live. I’m glad we took pictures. Where are we now though? A little better at putting two words together, dealing with our pros and cons, wondering, thinking outside the jewel case; even with everything we’ve learned since freshman year, we still manage to find our way home. It’s not the exact same. It shouldn’t be. Consider “Graduation” a dissertation. It’s concise yet complicated, hyperbolized yet honest. This is where the students says, “here’s my work. I’ve poured myself into my verse. My heart beat is my metronome. It’s my best work because it’s me now, after it all, during it all, everything I am.” This is 756. Some might think it wasn’t as exciting as 500 or as meaningful as 755, but let’s wait and see when this kind of moment comes back around again. Who’s ready to clap‘em outside the stadium? Who’s stroking something stronger? Often, I criticize artists for releasing old albums disguised with new titles. The “winning formula” model doesn’t take a lot of courage. “Graduation” is different. It’s neither “The College Dropout” nor “Late Registration”. You might not get it all in one day, but you’ll get it all one day. Keep listening and after all that you’ll receive this.  

KanYe West Music Catalogue 

Pixar’s “Ratatouille” Movie 

Expensive Menu 

Barry Bonds’ Homerun Record 

Hip Hop Music Industry 

4:23 AM

A Blue Note

Posted by Student/Teacher |

A work of seemingly spontaneous inspiration, Kanye's 808s and Heartbreak challenges even the most renaissance of expectations.   A global musician fighting to stretch the lens and be recognized, refereed, and ratified as a global artist, Mr. West interrupts our regularly scheduled programming to deliver this message, sometimes it hurts too. If this compilation were to be compared to that of another artist, it seems best suited for comparison to Pablo Picasso’s Blue Period. Earnestly enough the album starts with a question and a problem posed in the first six seconds of “Say You Will”. One could ask why Kanye chose to spend half of the track painting the background so. Perhaps it is there to make way for a formal “Welcome to Heartbreak” in which he confesses, “My friend showed me pictures of his kids, and all I could show him was pictures of my cribs.” Questioning sacrifice and trailing backgrounds are recurring themes throughout this collection.

The main body of the album is with as large a panorama as one can achieve prioritizing one drum machine for production and one topic for discussion. “Heartless” cuts, “Amazing” feels the most familiar in this great departure, and Love Lockdown anchors the theme of heartache. “Paranoid” taffies relationship issues with light-hearted instrumentation and tone as “Robocop” follows suit at the heart of the album. He put the shades back on. “Street Lights” eases you back into the heavier things abound in the latter end of the album as Kanye wanders back out there.

“Bad News” sounds like the conversation one has with him/herself after hanging up the phone in frustrated despair. “See You In My Nightmares” is the anger that proceeds the anguish. The synth reminds of the tone from “Can’t Tell Me Nothing”. And then, the lonely nights come again bringing with them memories made in the “Coldest Winter”. Speculation has been laid that this song is about Kanye’s mom but I don’t hear a sad song about mom in this. Instead, there’s this short, conclusive track to an album about love lost and the bluer notes of relationship. The song sounds like someone marching through a snow storm. Question being, where are they going and what are they leaving?  

I’m not sure it’s right to require a master piece from every artistic offering. Venerated masters of art from literature, music, cinema, and still visual didn’t produce “that” piece every time. Not every Miles blow was hallowed. Can you name another book that Ms. Neale Hurston wrote? A far greater point is that master work is essentially a matter of perspective, popular as it may be. Even Picasso, during his blue period, struggled to accurately express perspective with human subjects. So what did he do, put them on one line, parallel to the horizontal axis of the canvas. 808s’ lyrical apex comes in the final track, “Pinocchio Story”.  Have you listened to the track/the man/the boy? The orchestral apex happens somewhere between Heartless and Coldest Winter. A sonic master piece, this is not. But for now…

Note: http://pablo-picasso.paintings.name/blue-period/

4:02 PM

Tardy but Funny

Posted by Student/Teacher |

3:07 PM

Mick Boogie & Terry Urban

Posted by Student/Teacher |

Easily one of the best mixtapes I've heard this year. Adele 1988 introduced me to the songstress. A Boog & Urb supportor since ...And Justus for All, this is great example of the work they can do. From front to nearly back, this album could go LP and be STRONG. Of the tracks, I only dis-dig 1 and that's Right As Rain, which seems a slight stretch. Everything else is wonderful. My fav tracks: 1-6. I'd love a re-up on this one. Great job guys! 

11:37 AM

Song For

Posted by Student/Teacher |

i know

i don't know


many things

i don't



many things

i want

to try

if it means

you and me




i remember

when i

was sure
I was sure

then you

took my hand
took me

out to sea

out to see

look at me
out to sea
out to see

i know

i don't konw


many things

i want

to say

look at me

out to sea

if it means

you and me

i'm not sure

12:15 PM

Heartless Pinocchio

Posted by Student/Teacher |

I was wondering if Pinocchio would make an appearance

9:19 PM

Oh and Since

Posted by Student/Teacher |

7:54 PM

Speaking of

Posted by Student/Teacher |

Did you notice that YouTube is wide screen and now offers hi-def?

7:53 PM

Two Minds Opposed

Posted by Student/Teacher |

7:40 PM


Posted by Student/Teacher |

I'm so looking forward to ending this academic semester. It's all crazy right now. RESET