11:07 PM


Posted by Student/Teacher |

This movie is so special to me now. I love the story and will find a way to get it on my phone so I can carry it around.

9:52 PM

Distant Relative

Posted by Student/Teacher |
8:12 PM


Posted by Student/Teacher |

"The fool stares at the finger that points to the sky"


11:36 PM

HawthoRNe & Who/What?

Posted by Student/Teacher |

Just finished watching HawthoRNe (online). It was alright. I think there are really workable plot points. It'll have to work things out a bit more though. The pilot felt like they tried to fit a lot of information and make you care about a lot of people at once.

The music has me thinking about a few things. I'm listening to AKeys "Lesson Learned" now. I think I burn myself. A friend came by and told me I might be stifling my co-workers in my pursuit of perfection for them. Ahhhh, there's the rub-"for them". Hmmmn

I got an email from the Indo correspondent that said the first 21 ETAs got their letters so they can begin their Visa applications. She made it sound like they knew who they were. I guess I'm not one. Maybe it's because my last name starts with a W. Played ball today. No W there. My defense is sharper but my shooting is still off during the game. In the shoot-around afterward, wet. During the game, brick city. Not sure why. I stayed about an hour after just working on the wrist action and penetration.

I'm on my way to the other side of the earth if all goes well. I go alone it seems. I was looking at a previous ETA's pictures. I think this experience is made to be. I thank God for his mercy and grace. Life is awesome. Even if I'm not happy, I'm glad others are happy and growing.

I get a lot of pats on the back. Expectations seems high. I wonder sometimes. I wonder a lot. I'm not wandering. I'm moving in a definite direction. Ha! But, I guess wandering and moving in a definite direction aren't easily distinguishable from the outside.

I wrote today. The key to academic intelligence is understanding relationships. The key to social intelligence is understanding value. Seem backwards? It's not. I think it's a glimmer of the brilliance God has promised. I am not destined for greatness for my own sake. I don't even think it'll manifest in a way socially acceptable or recognizable. It is greatness for God. I realize that I'm a vessel no more sacred than a vase. It's God's spirit and purpose breathing through my lungs and out that generate the power. POWER!

2:27 PM

Heckler vs. the Pro

Posted by Student/Teacher |

Posted by Student/Teacher |

This morning I drove some guys to the airport. On the way up we listened to Drake. I thought we were going to be late. I stopped by a Starbucks on the way back and realized why the caramel crap was a best seller. As I drove back, I decided to seize the opportunity to preview the Radiohead music I had just bought. It also began to rain. The music was so perfect for the ocassion. I tried to describe it to myself and after several trials, I decided on this. Andre 3000 and Paul McCartney had a love child that fell in love with Hendrix's music at a Glastonbury while tripping on acid and vowed to bend more laws. That's a rough interpretation. The drive back was an awesome experience. Words flowed from me. I recorded some, memorized others. I can only make out about 10% of what is being said. I think the lyrics operate best as both poetic accompaniment to be read and enjoyed as well as an accessory instrument. I'm listening to Kid A and two tracks from In Rainbows. My favorite songs right now are Nude & Kid A. I look forward to what spills.

Enjoy Father's day

10:50 PM

Lady Heartless

Posted by Student/Teacher |

I really wish I could hear her cover the whole song. Her rendition is so strong it could very well be her song.

Impromptu Extension

I dig this song but didn't when I first heard it. Mostly, I dug it because it was a leak. I dug that. Seemed like Kanye was really wanting people to hear his music. Never mind the sales for the time being; he wanted you to hear the music, unfinished. I think part of the reason that I didn't like it is because I didn't agree with the delivery. I think the song has the wrenching sound in the chorus break but still, the song feels rushed for the feeling it evokes in me. I think this Lady Gaga take is the way my heart feels it. Slowly, like a sobering thought.

I don't think I've ever really had this feeling though. The scenario is not native to my own heart but I have experienced it through others.

It's a sobering thought.

I've noticed a pattern in my relationships. The cycle began in college. Not sure if its emotional immaturity, impatience or ____. I've met some great young women. People I respect, admire, and genuinely care about.

Ummi said once that just because two people are good doesn't mean they are good for each other. She spoke wisdom to me. A wisdom beyond me but welcoming.

Perhaps hearts need fear. Maybe it's like reason's fire alarm. I asked her to put away her fears. Then, I set a fire.

I am sorry. I am not hearless.

11:58 AM


Posted by Student/Teacher |

10:32 PM


Posted by Student/Teacher |

I desire a soft spot to sit under this tree I know. Some fresh air would do well enough. A hug or some reassurance that life is going as scheduled would be warm and welcome. I saw a tree once in Georgia on my father's land. It was away and off in the distance. I thought it was beautiful and often would pause on the red and rocky road to gaze at it over there. I like the tree but it made me feel sad. The land was hilly and rolled into the woods. The tree lining was sparse and especially so near this one. It stood triumphantly and alone. Perhaps it was peric victory.

9:41 PM

After WWDC

Posted by Student/Teacher |


it came
it's on it's way out
I'm appeased but not especially happy
I guess I keep waiting for another event like MacWorld 2007
........perhaps another day
and maybe i should just
let Apple do Apple without the expectation
I think I will

One More Thing...

12:34 AM


Posted by Student/Teacher |

With the Pre launched, E3 buzz fizzling out, and CES out of the way, all eyes turn to WWDC.

Will we see new iPhone hardware? What are the remaining features to be debuted in iPhone Software 3.0? Is Snow Leopard a strong enough upgrade to go head to head with the heralded Windows 7? How is Steve? The anticipation and speculation has thoroughly stewed. The stage is set.

Spotlight: Apple

6:08 PM


Posted by Student/Teacher |

hol up a sekin,
Holup A Sekin.......

This dude said, "I know we facin' a recession but the music yall making gone make it a great depression."


"Pull your skirt down. Grow a set man."


5:02 PM

Google Wave

Posted by Student/Teacher |

I did some poking around and learned about the Google Wave project. It sounds super interesting and makes more all the more curious about what the culture at Google must be like.


3:55 PM

Pre (mature)?

Posted by Student/Teacher |

I've heard great (good) things about the Palm Pre. Most of the praise centers around the OS. The new iPhone hardware and software is likely to be announched Monday. So, I reserve further comment till all the cards are on the table.

7:32 PM

Further Researched

Posted by Student/Teacher |

Great day
Did more research. Actually found a shop that sells the MLC. Not the dawn, though. Wanted to go play with the G10 at the local Best Buy, but they weren't helpin' out.
Great day anyway
So far, the tally is good. I have a J. Crew and a place to buy the backpack. I can always order the cam online.

Yo, after posting yesterday I did some more Mr. Hudson digging on youTube and I recommend a listen to his 2007 album. Good stuff. I might purchase it...when I get some money. I need to stop using this credit card. Not over balance or anything, I just don't like using it. Today, I bought a movie ticket with it. Saw UP. Almost saw Drag Me to Hell. It was good. I won't call it my favorite Pixar film but it didn't disappoint.

I found this Pharell production reel. Dig, for in the midnight hour.........I like this beat. Let's say this....before I pass away, I want to spend some quality time in a music studio with another producer.

8:05 PM

Blue Print Research

Posted by Student/Teacher |

So I've been doing some major product research and planning for Indonesia and the month after. I've pretty much cornered my clothing retailers to Ralph and J. Crew. I am not looking to get a lot of clothes. I want to travel light. It's still hard to believe that a few months from now I'll be in Indonesia- the other side of the world teaching & learning.

Back to the research:
Clothing Leader

Why: Soft, durable, quick dry, simple design. I'm not trying to attract much attention and I plan to live lightly on the road/train. Their clothing tends to fit me really well too. I hope that stays true after I put on a bit more muscle.

Another more contentious arena of research has been the camera. A tough thing for me is settling. I general look to find the best and find it difficult to differ to secondary or tertiary options if it is at all within my means to do otherwise. I lost my previous camera during some mismanaged baggage with Greyhound. I lost some great clothing too; I'm talking favorite shirt, favorite jeans, favorite socks, favorite/only khakis. It was a good camera but carting it across Europe showed me that I'd want something smaller. So, there's the struggle. A compact camera with shots closer to the big boys. Well, there is such a category, "Premium Compacts".

The leaders:

Panasonic Lumix DMC LX3

Great picture quality. small form factor. HD video. great lens & processing engine

Canon G10

Great pictures. Very easy/fun to use. auto lens cap. optical view finder

Pansonic Lumix TZ6

Good pictures. Good price. True compact. Good zoom

Each camera has its' strengths and drawbacks. The biggest hurdle for the LX3 is price (also for the G10). The LX3 also uses a lens cap. The G10 is the bulky-somethings I wanted to avoid. The TZ6 doesn't allow as much photo adjustments and I'm not sure how the photo quality stacks up to the other two as it is not technically in their 'class'.

I still have to visit more camera shops and try them out. See how the they feel comparatively. Ultimately, it's up to the TZ6 to win it or lose it. The TZ7 price is too similar to the LX3 for me to not kick in the rest and bump up. The G10 is the underdog. The other picture qualities will have to fall noticeably short for it to pull the W. We'll see how things work out.

The final frontier of product research is the travel backpack. This backpack with have to be durable, able to hold at least 3-5 days of clothes, carry well-waist strap, and have some water protection. Patagonia is leading the race with two offerings.

Patagonia MLC

Has 3 carry modes (including backpack style). carries 3-5 days of clothes, several compartments. lightweight

Patagonia MLC Dawn
Pure backpack design. tight structure. 3 days clothes. padded 15" laptop area

Both have their strengths and weaknesses. I try to think which would be the most handy during the tour of Europe where I'll be moving from city to city, some nights sleeping on the train. It's gotta be something I won't mind carrying back and forth.

There are plenty of days, weeks left toe prepare and try these products out. I'll let you know what gets got.

8:03 PM

Music Reboot

Posted by Student/Teacher |

This dude is interesting to hear talk. Sounds weird, I know. I've seen him in a few interviews and while I enjoy his singing, I'm wondering if I dig his personality. mmhmmmn?